My Current Skincare Favourites and Recommendations

The Skincare products I’m currently loving and I know you will too

I’m sure we’re all aware by now that Skincare is very very important to me! If i’m not shopping for clothes and shoes, i’m consulting with skincare experts and trying new products BUT…I believe I have found my perfect combination! 
I follow an expert based routine which is carefully described here (Creating your perfect skincare routine), and I have oily; Acne prone skin. Whilst I find each of these absolutely perfect for me, they may not work for you but I still wholeheartedly stand by them, and hope you try them out!


I always double cleanse as this is the most effective way to remove dirt and bacteria that may cling to your face throughout the day (vital for acne prone skin) but also allows you to treat skin concerns too. I begin with the Biossance Squalane + Aloe Amino cleanser which is sooooo gentle, and then proceed with the PanOxyl Benzoyl Peroxide Cleanser. I've raved about this cleanser for years now as benzoyl peroxide specifically, is amazing at treating acne and texture concerns. It also works fantastic on your body! If this is your first time using a benzoyl peroxide product, i'd suggest starting with 1-2 times a week as it can be quite drying and irritating if over used. For both, a little goes a long way as the lather is fabulous, and I do two rounds of the Biossance cleanser; spending 90 seconds to massage it all into my face. I also do one round of the PanOxyl cleanser, and leave it to sit for 90 seconds (praying it dosent drip into my eyes lol)
If i've decided to make an effort and throw on some make up, I cleanse with the Inkey List Oat cleansing balm first which literally melts it all away, and then use the products i've just stated. I prefer this cleanser to others because 1: its a squeeze bottle so there's less risk of bacteria contamination, and 2: it actually takes off all my make up! A wonderful alternative is Coconut oil!! This is absolutely fantastic and takes mascara off so easily! (Depending on how many drinks i've had that night), I wipe it away with a cleansing pad or lather up the Biossance cleanser and wash it all away. 


Like everyone else, I tried The Ordinary Glycolic Acid toner and yes it worked, but it also left my skin feeling very dry and my eyelids extremely irritated after a while. In search for something better, I discovered the FRESH Rose Hydration toner. It's based the benefits of Roses, which are high in vitamin A and C - helping to smooth wrinkles and boost collagen production. It also has Hyaluronic acid and Angelica leaf extract which helps to retain moisture and hydrate your skin. I spray this whilst my face is still damp for the best results, and it feels very soothing. 


Because I have oily AND acne prone skin, hydration is absolutely key to prevent sebum overproduction but also, hydrated skin is really the secret to that healthy; glass looking glow we all want! I swore by Cosrx Snail Mucin for a few years which is great, but after a while it didn't feel or look like it was doing anything anymore. I decided to go back to an old favourite from before the snail addiction and I honestly can't believe I ever left...The INKEY List Hyaluronic acid serum is spectacular! It doesn't feel sticky like many other serums, and as soon as i’ve put it on it gets to work; i'm glowing! Hyaluronic acid, is the best form of hydration as it it collects water from the air and binds them to your skin, locking in moisture. This will help with fine lines, dullness and improved texture. 


Again, i’ve tried lotsssss of moisurisers. I fell in love with the Welda skin food for a long long time and although it broke me out time and time again…it was worth it…until it wasn't lol. Due to my skin type, I've also opted for many gel moisturisers as they're less likely to clog your pores, but still provide the moisture you need. The best one I've tried was the Kiehls ultra gel Cream. It was great but I needed more! Maybe its psychological, but the gel didn't feel like it was giving me maximum moisturisation, but the Biossance Squalane + Omega repair cream absolutley does. It includes Squalane (like a few of my other products), which hydrates and softens skin as well as Omega 3 which strengthens and repairs the skin barrier. Its leaves my skin feeling super smooth, and gives me such a nice glow without looking or feeling oily. Genuinely one of the best products i've ever used! 


Finding the right SPF is for some reason harder than it looks. Some will have you looking like you've just taken a bath in oil, others leave that very awkward white cast and some even break you out. The Beauty of Joseon Rice and Probiotic SPF50+ does none of the above and it's the best sunscreen i've ever put on my skin. It's super lightweight and doesn't feel greasy, but also included rice water which has brightening effects, and fermented probiotics which promotes a healthy skin barrier. In the past i've used the Bondi Sands Face HYDRA SPF50+ which is a fabulous second place, especially if you have acne prone skin because it's non-comedogenic, but the applicator is so difficult and annoying, it makes me not even want to bother anymore lol.  

I’ve stripped my skincare way back as i’ve been trying to find whats right for me, and because of that i'm not currently using any products to "treat". This is simply because it's easy to get lost in fixing the issue and causing more, which happened to me and honestly, it just gets too much sometimes. Clearly my main focus is hydration and to be honest, once you've got that sorted, your skin is in a good condition to solve most of the problems you're having by itself. I’ve seen such a huge differnce so far and I hope you find a few new faves from my recommendations!

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